It’s important to remain positive and take the time to talk to a health care professional to seek advice on the best treatment for your friends or loved ones.
Finding the right care is important for the person you are caring for, to ensure they remain in a positive frame of mind throughout the process. It may be uncomfortable at times for the person you are caring for to talk about their experience both physically and mentally. Professional help and advice is also recommended for management and support.
It’s important that you take the time to provide your loved one with a healthy diet that consists of adequate fibre and water fluids that are the most important to be upheld.
Emotional and Physical Wellbeing
Your own emotional and physical wellbeing is also a vital process. Take the time to care for yourself to ensure you stay friendly, happy and helpful throughout the day. Being a carer can take up most of your day depending on the level of dependence. You may be going to and from doctors appointments, dressing, feeding, bathing, giving medications, dealing with incontinence activities, lifting and toileting throughout the day which may not leave you with much room or time for yourself.
Meditation is a calming and effective way of reconnecting with yourself and really taking the time to be at peace with just YOU! Whether it’s reading a book or tuning out for a while, it’s important to think about your health and well being also.
Never be afraid to ask for help from family and friends. It’s a good idea to keep a list of all your chores and responsibilities such as:
- mowing the lawn
- doing groceries
- shopping
- cooking
- cleaning
- washing
That way next time someone asks if they can help out, you can go through the list and offload some of your responsibilities, making more time for you.
Other options are available including:
- local community residential facilities
- home healthcare organisations
- adult day care
- hiring a nurse
- private caregivers
Some nursing homes may also offer you a longer break with limited stay admissions.
Ask around for a support group in your area. Talk to your local community centre or continence nurse advisor about meeting with other caregivers to share your experience. It’s important that you don’t do this alone. You are an amazing person for assisting a friend or loved one by being a carer. It takes a lot of dedication and commitment and your efforts should be commended.
Incontinence has been linked to a range of health conditions and as a carer you may need to give medications and find the right incontinence products. Holistic Incontinence has an extensive range to choose from depending on the level of protection needed. To trial Holistic Incontinence – Allusive range of products: Product Trials
Seeking Help
Seeking professional help can be the most important step you can take when caring for someone with incontinence. Anyone living in Australia can call the free helpline for a confidential service. The professional continence nurse advisors can also provide you with details of incontinence clinics in your area and advice.
The National Continence Helpline Phone: 1800 330 066.