Men Overflow Incontinence

Overflow incontinence is a common cause of male incontinence due to the large number of prostate problems and related surgeries that are carried out in Australia. If the bladder is not completely emptied this will lead to an overflow of urine that can leak out unexpectedly. This unfortunately creates embarrassment and discomfort for the person, as urinary tract infections are quiet common due to the fact that urine left in the bladder creates a breeding ground for bacteria.

  • Causes of Overflow Incontinence:The Urethra is a tube carrying urine from the bladder to the outside of the body, which can be blocked and this will cause overflow incontinence. The causes include:• Enlarged prostate• Urinary stones• Tumors• Scar Tissue• Infection and swelling• Nerve injury or damage• Weak bladder muscles• Diabetes• Alcoholism• Parkinson’s disease• Spina bifida• Multiple sclerosis• Constipation• Various medications including antidepressants and anticonvulsants
  • Overflow incontinence is mainly treated by the cause or drainage of the bladder.• Medication may be given to shrink the prostate or relax the muscles if the cause is an enlarged prostate gland.• A catheter may be used to drain or empty the bladder.• A mans penis can be fitted with a collecting device to hold urine.• Alpha-adrenergic blocker medication may be used to relax the muscle at the base of the urethra to allow urine to pass from the bladder.• Remove the obstruction causing the urine not to flow properly.• Blockages can be surgically treated.Biofeedback:An electromyography (EMG) can monitor the small electrical signals that the muscles in the body give off; this type of biofeedback is most commonly used for bladder control and other pelvic muscle problems.  The biofeedback device detects and records this electric activity by placing small sensors close to the muscles being monitored. Immediate knowledge about these muscles become available by “feeding back” the information gathered by the EMG to the patient. Someone suffering with urinary incontinence can use this information to plan a personal exercise program to increase strength and holding power of the muscles that control urination.