Millions of people live with incontinence, yet we still see it as a taboo subject. Those who suffer from incontinence don’t talk about it, don’t admit they have it, or even seek treatment for it. Incontinence is a health condition most adults simply do not want to discuss. Whether this is from fear, shame, embarrassment, or loss of confidence, many of those with incontinence often deal with it alone.
So it can come as a shock to find out how many Hollywood actors, celebrities, sports people, and people of note, live with incontinence. Hollywood has always been associated with glamour and beauty. Every celebrity has a personal trainer to keep them fit and dietitians to keep them healthy – not to mention the heavy photoshopping that many of their images undergo. While from the outside this lifestyle looks like heaven, maintaining that perfect, glamourous work is extremely high pressure. And for those with incontinence, the struggle to maintain that Hollywood glam is even harder.
Which is why a lot of celebrities are “coming out” about their incontinence and how it affects their professional and day-to-day lives. And as more influential figures candidly discuss this taboo topic, more people feel comfortable discussing their own struggle with friends and family. Today, let’s look at 7 celebrities who are incontinent and embracing it.
1: Kris Jenner
Kris Jenner, know for “Keeping Up with The Kardashians” and often known as the “Momanger”, is publicly open about her incontinence. In an episode of Keeping Up with The Kardashians, Jenner was teased by her daughters for her constant trips to the bathroom. But teasing changed to concern and during the show, Jenner was talked into seeing a doctor who diagnosed her with stress incontinence.
But in true Kardashian form, Jenner turned her incontinence into a new business venture, becoming a spokesperson for incontinence products. She even landed an ad campaign, dressed and posing as Rosie the Riveter – a long time symbol and female strength. “I’m going to embrace this,” said Jenner. “Guess who has the last laugh now, ladies!”
2: Debbie Reynolds
Hollywood darling, known for Singing in the Rain and the Unsinkable Molly Brown, and being the mother of Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds was also vocal about her incontinence. She discussed how she had a very lonely time when she first experienced incontinence. Reynolds would have to plan her trips in advance, to ensure she had bathroom access. Sometimes she had to avoid long trips all together. Reynolds said she was embarrassed to discuss her condition and ultimately let it limit her lifestyle.
However, when Reynolds opened up to her friends, she found she wasn’t the only one suffering from incontinence. From there, Reynolds publicly addressed the issue and shared her experiences with other sufferers. “It turned out many of them [Reynold’s friends] had experienced the same problem, but they had gotten help,” she said. “They encouraged me to speak to my doctor and now I am glad I did. Not only did I receive treatment, but I also learned I’m one of 7 million Americans with a condition known as overactive bladder.”
3: Whoopie Goldberg
Emmy, Grammy, Tony, and Academy Award-winning Whoopi Goldberg also struggles with bladder leakage, a specific condition known as LBL or light bladder leakage. Goldberg is extremely candid about her incontinence, working with incontinence brands to help stamp out the taboo around bladder leakage and incontinence. She even launched a comedy series that reflected on the fact that 1 in 3 women have bladder issues, as part of the “1 in 3 Like Me” campaign by incontinence brands. The campaign not only shows how common incontinence is but how bladder leakage can happen to women and men at any age.
With how many women – and men – who suffer from incontinence, Goldberg felt that incontinence should be discussed openly.
4: Samuel L. Jackson
Most well-known for his cool, “badass” characters in Pulp Fiction, Star Wars, Marvel’s Avengers, and the Hitman’s Bodyguard, to name a few, it might come as a surprise to find that Samuel L. Jackson suffers from incontinence. When he first lost bladder control in his late 40s, Jackson said he was embarrassed and had a hard time accepting the condition.
However, he soon realised that incontinence, “was a problem that millions of Americans dealt with every day.” Once Jackson accepted his condition, he was able to enjoy a comfortable and active lifestyle. He even publicly discusses how he wears adult briefs while working on movie sets.
5: Tony Romo
Famous pro footballer for the Dallas Cowboys, Tony Romo, is definitely a sport superstar. However, the starting quarterback developed a serious bladder infection in 2009. This was all while Romo was training for the 2009 NFL season. The bladder infection unfortunately developed into a form of incontinence called overactive bladder.
This elite sportsman, however, was determined to overcome his condition and remain successful on the field. Romo was able to maintain his career and active lifestyle by utilising absorbent adult briefs, on and off the playing field.
6: Katy Perry
As we know, incontinence doesn’t just target older people. Famous for her songs, “I Kissed a Girl” and “Hot and Cold”, Katy Perry admitted to frequent incontinence in her teenage years. In fact, she revealed that she wore adult diapers regularly throughout her high school years.
Perry went through a number of treatments for incontinence, but she was determined to not let incontinence control her life. Ultimately, Perry’s doctors discovered her incontinence was due to a urinary tract infection. So with some lifestyle changes, she found the right treatment and gained control over her bladder
Perry admits that wearing adult diapers to school wasn’t the greatest experience, but it made her stronger and a more understanding person.
7: Stephen King
The king of horror, Stephen King, has sold more than 350 million copies of his books, including “The Shining” and “Carrie”. When he began experiencing bouts of incontinence, King initially thought he had bladder cancer.
Thankfully, his incontinence was linked to a urinary tract infection and, with the proper treatment, King was able to overcome his incontinence. King has been incredibly outspoken about his experience with incontinence, stating that he keeps his adult diapers on his bedside table, “just in case”.
Celebrities like these are helping incontinence sufferers around the world feel less alone. Because celebrities have a public voice and image, they are best able to educate the world about incontinence. Don’t let your incontinence force you to suffer in silence, or let it take over your life. Like these celebrities, it’s time to take back control and abandon the embarrassment of incontinence.
Are you looking for incontinence products to help you manage your symptoms? Holistic Incontinence carries a wide range of incontinence supplies and wear to cover all types of incontinence. Explore our range today or talk to our staff for friendly help and advice.