Men Stress Incontinence

Stress incontinence is a common cause for males as it occurs when pressure is put on the abdomen during activities such as laughing, exercising, sneezing and coughing. The sphincter muscles that support the bladder and urethra are weakened by these activities and are not able to prevent urine from flowing under pressure.

  • Causes of Stress Incontinence:When pressure builds inside your bladder and the strength of your urethra is weakened and cannot stay closed, the bladder fills with urine causing a few drops or a full stream of urine to release involuntary. The causes of stress incontinence include:• Prostate surgery• Removal of the prostate gland• Overweight or obesity• Pelvic floor muscles weakened or damaged• Damage to the urethral sphincter the ring of muscle that keeps the urethra closed• Diabetes• Smoking which can cause frequent coughing• Urinary tract infection• Excess consumption of caffeine or alcohol• Medications
  • Treatment Available:A combination of treatment strategies can be recommended to reduce or even cure incontinence. If the person has an underlying issue such as a urinary tract infection this will be identified and treated to address these conditions that bought on the incontinence as a form of treatment.It is recommended that the person take into consideration some behavioral therapies to eliminate or severely reduce the symptoms. It is recommended that you consider the following:• Weight management is important and should be considered if you are over weight or obese. Loosing weight may take the pressure off your bladder and improve these symptoms.• Quit smoking.• Exercising your pelvic floor muscles daily. The urinary sphincter and your pelvic floor muscles will strengthen from performing kegel exercises.• Bladder training should be attempted. This is where you hold onto your urine for a certain amount of time before going to the bathroom. See further details below.• Scheduling your bathroom trips may be recommended. The more frequently you use the bathroom to urinate, may reduce the number of stress incontinence episodes.• Avoid caffeinated coffee, fizzy or soft drinks and alcohol.Bladder Training:To train your bladder you must first wait for an urge to urinate, then hold your bladder for a certain period of time before going to the bathroom. It is recommended that you aim to wait for 15 minutes the first day before releasing and going to the bathroom to urinate. For the first 5 to 7 days try to stick to the 15 minute intervals before using the bathroom. As you progress over the next week increase the amount of time. This should be done until you have a decent amount of time between each bathroom visit.